Andrea Castagnola​
Universidad Torcuato Di Tella (UTDT, Argentina)
Centre on Law and Social Transformation (CMI, Norway)
Consultant for the World Bank, IADB, and UNDP
Specialist in justice, rule of law, gender, transparency and, data science.
Short Bio​
Andrea Castagnola has a Ph.D. in Political Science (2010) from the University of Pittsburgh and a Post-Doctorate in Quantitative Methods from the University of Bergen, Norway (2017). She is visiting professor in the Department of Political Science and International Relations, and in the Law School at the Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, an affiliated researcher at LawTransform (CMI-Norway), and an external consultant for the World Bank, IADB and UNDP.
She is an expert in the areas of transparency, justice, institutions, accountability, gender, fighting corruption, and data science. Her background in econometrics has enabled her to combine quantitative and qualitative research in her areas of expertise. Her research has been published by Routledge, Cambridge University Press, and in specialized international academic journals, such as the British Journal of Political Science, Journal of Politics, Journal of Politics in Latin America, and Política y Gobierno.
Ph.D. Political Science, University of Pittsburgh (USA) 2010.
Won an Honorable Mention from Lozano Memorial Dissertation Prize
M.A. Political Science, University of Pittsburgh (USA) 2006.
M.A. Development Management and Public Policy, Georgetown University (USA) 2004.
B.A. International Studies, Universidad Torcuato Di Tella (Argentina) 2001.
2017 to present
University Torcuato Di Tella, Buenos Aires
Universidad Nacional de San Martin, Buenos Aires (2017-2018)
2014 to present
Centre on Law & Social Transformation, UiB-CMI
University of Bergen, Department of Comparative Politics (2014-2017).
Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (Flacso).
Peer-reviewed journal publications​​
​Franco, Shirley and Castagnola. 2024. “Los derechos de las mujeres y el rol de la Corte Suprema de Paraguay” Estudios Constitucionales Vol. 22 (1): 267-300
Castagnola, A. 2020. “La Trampa de la Manipulación Judicial: Un análisis histórico del control político de la Corte Suprema Argentina”. Revista Uruguaya de Ciencia Política 29 (1): 49-80.
Pérez-Liñán, A. and Castagnola, A. 2016. “Judicial Instability and Endogenous Constitutional Change: Lessons from Latin America”. British Journal of Political Science 46 (2): 395-416.
Castagnola, A. 2012. “I Want It All, and I Want It Now: The Political Manipulation of Argentina’s Provincial High Courts” Journal of Politics in Latin America 4 (2): 39-62.
Lara Borges, Oswald, Castagnola, A. and Pérez Liñán, A. 2012. "Diseño constitucional y estabilidad judicial en América Latina, 1900-2009." (Constitutional design and judicial stability in Latin America). Política y Gobierno XIX (1): 3-40.
Castagnola, A. 2010. "La diversidad institucional de los Poderes Judiciales provinciales en Argentina desde una perspectiva histórica." (A historical perspective of the institutional diversity of provincial judiciaries in Argentina) POSTData 15 (2): 161-89.
Morgenstern, S., Swindle, S.M. and Castagnola, A. 2009. “Party Nationalization and Institutions” The Journal of Politics 71(4): 1322-1341.
Pérez Liñán, A. and Castagnola A. 2009 “Presidential Control of High Courts in Latin America: A Long Term View (1904-2006)” Journal of Politics in Latin America 1 (2): 87-114.
Castagnola, A. 2006. “Political Scandals and the Dynamics of Politics in Latin America” MACLAS – Latin American Essays Vol. XIX.
Books and Edited Volumes
[Spanish translated version in 2016]
Castagnola A.. 2010. Estudio Comparado de las Constituciones y Marco Normativo de las Cortes Supremas Provinciales de Argentina: 1983-2008. (Comparative study of Argentine provincial Constitutions and norms that regulate Argentine Provincial Supreme Courts: 1983-2008) Buenos Aires: Asociación por los Derechos Civiles.
Book Chapters
Pérez-Liñán, A. and Castagnola, A. (2024) "Judicial Tenure and Retirements" In The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Judicial Behaviour, Lee Epstein, Gunnar Grendstad, Urška Šadl, & Keren Weinshall, editors. Oxford University Press.
Castagnola, A. and Ezequiel Gonzalez-Ocantos (2024) "Argentina’s “Judicial Family:” Mapping Family Connections in the Argentine Provincial Federal Judiciary” In Informality and Courts, Sanchez-Urribarri Raul, Bjoern Dressel and Alex Stroh. Edinburgh University Press
Castagnola, A., Aníbal Pérez-Liñán and Gabriela Bonzi (2024) "Judicial Activism: a reactive form of compensatory justice in Paraguay " In Judicial Activism in Comparative Perspectives, Lori Hausegger and Raul Sanchez Urribarri (eds.). Peter Lang Publishing.Castagnola, A., Sergio Muro and Alejandro Chethman (2024) "The Supreme Court of Argentina " Johanna Frohlich (ed) Constitutional Reasoning. Blumsburry. NY
Castagnola, A. (forthcoming) “Los jueces de la Corte Suprema Argentina y la difícil tarea de permanecer en el cargo” In El Uso del Derecho como Herramienta Política y Social, Gabriel Perira y Catalina Smulovitz. Fundación Konrad Adenauer.
Pérez-Liñán, A. and Castagnola, A. 2020. “¿Activismo inocuo? La Justicia Constitucional en la era democrática” in Tres décadas de democratización en Paraguay: actores, instituciones y Sociedad, ed. Cerna Villagra, S. and Villalba S. Asunción: Centro de Estudios Antropológicos de la Universidad Católica.
Castagnola A. and López Noriega, S. 2016. “Are Mexican Justices True Arbitrers Among Political Elites? An Empirical Analysis of the Court´s rulings from 2000-2011” In Judicial Politics in Mexico: The Supreme Court and the Transition to Democracy, ed. A. Castagnola and S. López Noriega. Routledge: New York
[Spanish translated version in 2016]
Castagnola A. and López Noriega, S. 2016. “The Supreme Court and the (no) Rights Revolution. An Empirical Analysis of the Court´s rulings from 2000-2011” In Judicial Politics in Mexico: The Supreme Court and the Transition to Democracy, ed. A. Castagnola and S. López Noriega. Routledge: New York
[Spanish translated version in 2016]
Valderrama, C. and Castagnola, A. 2015. “Cortes Activas en la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos: evolución de la política sobre los desplazados en Colombia.” In Los Derechos Humanos y la violencia: Estado, instituciones y sociedad civil, eds. K. Ansolabehere, S. Serrano y L.D. Vazquez. Universidad de Los Andres: Colombia.
Castagnola A. and Pérez Liñán, A. 2011."Bolivia: The Rise (an Fall) of Judicial Review." In Courts in Latin America, ed. G. Helmke and J. Rios-Figueroa. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
[Spanish translated version in 2011]
Castagnola A. 2003. “Participatory Monitoring of Land and Housing Policy in the Municipality of Quilmes, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. Community Council on Land and Housing Policy” In Voice, Eyes and Ears. Social Accountability in Latin America. Case Studies on Mechanisms of Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation (69-78) Latin America and the Caribbean Region World Bank: Washington DC.
Gender, courts and politics
One line of research analyzes the effect of the regulatory framework and gender judicial institutions in promoting and guaranteeing the incorporation of women within the Judicial Powers of the countries in the region. https://www.kas.de/documents/271408/16552318/Castagnola+%28Diagramado%29.pdf/c3e972db-a7ec-ef5d-4f7e-f0ccc56cfca7?t=1687897889074
A second line of research studies whether Supreme Court Justicies in Paraguay employ a gender perspective in their rulings. Together with Shirley France, we created a novel database to examine judicial behavior between 2000 and 2020.
A third line of research focuses on creating a regional dataset to study the use of gender perspective in Supreme and Constitutional rulings in nine countries Latin American countries. The project is financed by Red Alas and COLAB-UTDT.
The rule of law and judicial manipulation in Latin America
I am currently working with Aníbal Pérez-Liñán on a book manuscript that aims to provide a comprehensive understanding to the factors affecting the stability of the Supreme Court justices in Latin America. The manuscript includes specific chapters on the political and institutional factors influencing judicial stability, as well as case studies. It utilizes an original dataset containing information from all the Supreme and Constitutional Courts in the region from 1950's to the present.
Castagnola Andrea (2023) "Mujeres, Poder y Justicia: El efecto de las normas y de las instituciones judiciales de género como herramientas para promover la incorporación femenina en las Cortes Supremas y Constitucionales de América Latina" Programa Estado de Derecho Latinoamérica Konrad Adenauer Stiftung
Castagnola Andrea (2021) PNUD "Justicia abierta en tiempos de COVID-19. Un modelo para armar en base a las experiencias del Juzgado Penal, Contravencional y Faltas No. 10 de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires" (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Castagnola, A. and Aníbal Pérez-Liñán. 2021. "La representación femenina en las Cortes Supremas y Tribunales Constitucionales de América Latina: identificando trayectorias de inclusión y perfiles de juezas". Programa Estado de Derecho Latinoamérica Konrad Adenauer Stiftung.
Castagnola Andrea (2020) The use of Big Data for improving public policy in Latin America. Inter-American Development Bank: Washington DC. (in charge of the blogs of a 4 year cooperation in Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Uruguay.)
Improving Judicial Performance in Argentina through Evidence-Based Reform Initiatives. 2018. World Bank: Washington DC. (internal use only)
Judicial politics (PhD, MA and BA levels). Flacso-Mexico (from 2011 to 2013) in UTDT, Argentina (since 2017)
Comparative Politics III (BA level). Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (2010) and UTDT MA level (2019)
Modern Political Theory (PhD level). Flacso- Mexico (2010 and 2012)
The Judiciary and Politics in Mexico. Supreme Court of Mexico (2012)
Data analytics for lawyers (BA level) in UTDT, Argentina
Building dataset for legal research (Online workshop all levels) Red Alas.
Multivariate Data Analysis (MA level). University of Bergen, Norway (2014) and Flacso-Ecuador (2019)
Applied Quantitative and Qualitative Methods (MA level, TA). Hertie School of Governance, Germany (2008)